Worm Watch Lab Talk

Black screens

  • 2ndgm by 2ndgm

    I am rather frequently getting black videos which have the square rotating in the upper left corner but will not play. The only way to get out of them seems to be to go to the talk page and back to classifying which is annoying.


  • WEBs_in_space by WEBs_in_space

    I had the same about 11hrs ago too! I thought it was a slow internet as almost everything was sluggish.

    Stay cool


  • DZM by DZM admin

    How often is this occurring? Could you please share a few of the object URLs that are causing this to happen? Thanks!!


  • 2ndgm by 2ndgm

    I confess I don't know what an object URL is. It seems to be more frequent lately - maybe every 10 or fifteen videos. I'm glad I'm not the only one having the problem .


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Object URLs are the pages that host the videos. You can link them just by posting the last part of it, like so: AWS0001cjt

    If you share those with me, I can get an idea of which videos this is happening with.



  • 2ndgm by 2ndgm

    The only place I've seen the URL is on the profile page and since these black videos don't play - they just sit there - they don't go to the profile page. I guess they are just skipped when I go to the talk page to get out of them.


  • WEBs_in_space by WEBs_in_space

    For ME, it was just that one day and like I mentioned ALL the internet was slow to load, not just Zooniverse or Worm Watch. But, just now I had my third "blackscreen" that failed to load and is from the set "You are the first person to see this worm! You get a 200 point spotter award"... maybe that batch is empty? And as 2ndgm says, it is on the homepage without a URL link to it, the only way out of the "blackscreen" for me is to refresh the page.


  • 2ndgm by 2ndgm

    WEB are you still seeing black screens? I think you are right that it has to do with the declining number of available videos available for selection for a given player.


  • JJBehr by JJBehr

    Noticing the black screens are happening more frequently lately, several times an hour. It's a little annoying but at least there's a workaround.


  • JJBehr by JJBehr

    Ok, now I'm getting black screens/spinning square majority of the time. Refresh the screen several times and eventually get a video to view. Then it's the same problem again (and again...). Any hints on how to get around this issue?


  • 2ndgm by 2ndgm

    For some time I have only been able to play 9 videos and then get a black screen or sometimes a worm (the same one each time) neither of which will play and can"t be circumvented either by refresh or the talk page or any other way I can think of. It is always with the "you are the first person to see this worm" notation. I simply have to sign out and actually log off my computer and come back another time. I have tried playing without signing in and can play a long time without getting any "you are the first person.." videos and without getting any black screens.


  • JJBehr by JJBehr

    Been signing in and out, in and out... Would be nice to max out on the number of videos each player can watch, but this is getting rather cumbersome. Yeah, think it'll soon be time to not log in.


  • WEBs_in_space by WEBs_in_space in response to 2ndgm's comment.

    Sorry, just saw your post.
    I only see the black screen / spinning icon now on occasion when I get a new clip and it is one of the old "You are the first to view this clip and you win 200 points" ...and I never get the points 😦

    Stay cool


  • JJBehr by JJBehr

    It used to be intermittent. But now, like what 2ndgm mentioned, it always happens after viewing 9 videos. Majority of the time it's the first spotter videos. Have had black screens without it mentioning about being a first spotter. The only way to get around this is to log out, quit browser then restart it (or close browser window and open another one).


  • Quia by Quia moderator

    I am guilty of not spending much time on WWL recently. 😦

    Can you guys try to get the ID of the videos that are black? On a black video, right click on the video and 'Inspect element'

    It'll highlight a bit of code that looks like this:

    video class="vjs-tech" id="worm-video_html5_api" poster="http://www.wormwatchlab.org/subjects/51b8956f2d5d3ad24200594e.jpg" preload="undefined" src="http://www.wormwatchlab.org/subjects/51b8956f2d5d3ad24200594e.mp4"

    This number is the important part: 51b8956f2d5d3ad24200594e, it's a unique ID for the subject. If we can get a couple of them, the Zooniverse people can see if there's something weird going on with good videos, or if there's some bad, blank videos that need to be removed.


  • JJBehr by JJBehr

    Hope this helps.


  • JJBehr by JJBehr

    Hmmm, the code was removed. Here's just the video id:



  • JJBehr by JJBehr

    Refreshed the page a couple of times and got the following ids:



  • Quia by Quia moderator

    Thanks so much JJBehr. 😃 Hopefully we can get this sorted, sorry I didn't jump on it sooner!


  • JJBehr by JJBehr

    No problem. There were workarounds. Thank you very much for fixing this issue. So far it seems to be working. 😃


  • JJBehr by JJBehr

    Me thinks I spoke too soon. Had problems with this video:



  • JJBehr by JJBehr




  • JJBehr by JJBehr



  • JJBehr by JJBehr


    This one actually shows a worm, but can't do anything. Get the infinitely spinning square.


  • Quia by Quia moderator

    It's not fixed yet, there's just someone working on it.

    You can follow the bug report and see when it's fixed, here: https://github.com/zooniverse/worms/issues/46


  • JJBehr by JJBehr

    Thank you very much for taking care of this.


  • Quia by Quia moderator

    Okay, all the ones that have been reported should be gone. If there are more, keep the IDs coming so they can be removed!


  • 2ndgm by 2ndgm

    I'm still stuck on the worm 51c2082e2d5d3ad24201213d which JJBehr reported, and black screen 51c2082e2d5d3ad242012142 and probably others.


  • JJBehr by JJBehr

    Ditto here for those 2 videos 2ndgm reported. Strange that it's always the 9th video.


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Quia has been doing good work reporting the blackscreen videos -- thanks!!


  • JJBehr by JJBehr

    Yup she has. Thanks Quia 😃


  • WEBs_in_space by WEBs_in_space

    If it is only missing or buggy clips, why is it only two(?) users seem to get them all? I have had a few errors, but not to the extent I have had to restart the browser.....

    Stay cool


  • Quia by Quia moderator

    I don't know why they're only showing up for a couple people, I've been back to classifying and haven't seen any of the black clips.

    But the ids reported here are actual broken videos, there's no video files at those ids, thus nothing to play. I've reported the last two, if you see different ones, post 'em here. It's the weekend so they'll probably be cleaned up on Monday.


  • JJBehr by JJBehr

    I'm sorry to keep bothering you, but now the Next button doesn't work after the 9th video. Regarding the video ids, those 2 are only new ones I've come across. The black screens used to be rare, then started popping up more frequently, and now all the time. Was wondering if it has something to do with the total number of videos I've watched.

    Thank you again for your efforts in trying to solve this issue.


  • Quia by Quia moderator

    Is anyone else seeing this behavior? It's possible you're out of videos... have you tried a different browser?

    Also, are you seeing repeats in those 9 videos you can watch?


  • JJBehr by JJBehr

    Was using Chrome, so tried Safari, and yes, the Next button doesn't work after the 9th video. While the videos seem random, do occasionally see some repeats (those that I've marked before). The frequency is about the same as when the black screens popped up. Perhaps the problem will go away when the last two videos are removed.


  • Quia by Quia moderator

    Good news/bad news! Bad news, you're out of videos to classify on Worm Watch Lab. Good news, you're amazing.

    I don't know if there are any plans for more data, maybe @aexbrown can chime in on that regard. I think a couple more people are going to hit this point soon, with the number of videos left to classify shrinking quite rapidly.

    Anyone have suggestions for JJBehr for other projects to work on? 😄 I'm a fan of http://www.sunspotter.org/, a veeeeeery quiet project that's nice to relax with some TV or a movie and click away at whatever pace you like.


  • WEBs_in_space by WEBs_in_space

    Well @JJBehr, it was nice trying to match egg timings with ya! I don't have those troubles that you have had, so I guess I will be here awhile, I see there are ~6,000 vids left! I'll meet you and @2ndgm in another project later.... I have some worms to watch!

    Stay cool


  • JJBehr by JJBehr

     Looks like it's time to find another project. Will check out sun spotter. Thank you Quia for doing a great job moderating this project. Will miss reading your comments, @WEBs in space . Hope to see some of you in the other projects. Think I'll watch a couple more videos before heading off 


  • yshish by yshish

    I'm still able to classify 😃


  • aexbrown by aexbrown scientist

    In terms of number of volunteers this is far from the largest project on Zooniverse, but the core team here is great and I'm amazed at what you've been able to get through. Thanks so much for the effort! There are couple points I'd like to make about the project. The first is that what you've done so far has already been useful. I've seen things in videos flagged up by you that I had never seen before (like larvae being laid directly onto the plate and huge numbers of eggs being laid at the same time!). What this highlights is that manual classification by humans has a lot of value for this kind of data.

    With that said, there is another important point, and that's that we have A LOT more data. The part that's already been uploaded is around 20% of the total. It probably won't be possible to get through everything, so the next step will probably be to prioritise a subset and upload that to the site. At the same time, I hope we'll be able to start taking advantage of the work you've all done to train improved automated classifiers. An automated classifier is unlikely to be as accurate as a human, but could still provide some useful information on the data that haven't been served so far. It might also lead to a hybrid approach, where we automatically filter out less interesting clips and only ask people to classify the ones we think are more likely to have eggs.

    So, for those of you who have managed to get through everything, as Quia said, you're amazing! I hope we'll have some more data for you soon and that you'll consider continuing with the project. For everyone else, you're also amazing 😃 And there's lots more to do!



  • DZM by DZM admin

    Thanks for the great update, Andre! Would definitely love to see if any of this produces a paper or something like that. 😃


  • Quia by Quia moderator

    The end is nigh. 😃

    Closing in on 500 videos left.


  • yshish by yshish

    Oh, that sounds great! Can we get notified when the new data arrive? 😃


  • aexbrown by aexbrown scientist in response to DZM's comment.

    It will (almost) certainly produce a paper eventually, but paper writing can be a long slog! 😃


  • aexbrown by aexbrown scientist in response to Quia's comment.

    That's exciting. I'm looking forward to celebrating the milestone!


  • aexbrown by aexbrown scientist in response to yshish's comment.

    The plan will be to notify people. One place would be here, but I hear it's also possible to send an e-mail to WWL participants specifically, so I'll try to do that too if possible.


  • Quia by Quia moderator

    Celebration time! Can we get some victory fanfare over here? 😄 😄

    650,864 Classifications

    11,485 Volunteers

    74,016 / 74,016 Videos Completed

    I'm looking forward to hearing about progress made in the slog of paper writing! And maybe we'll get to classify some more data once you have some preliminary results on what's weird and wonderful that we're good at spotting.

    edit: okay, who's the joker who coded the stat counter, now we're at 74,018 / 74,016 😄


  • yshish by yshish in response to Quia's comment.

    Wow, I'm still able to classify and the counter keeps running up! 74,020 from 74,016 .. 😄


  • JJBehr by JJBehr in response to Quia's comment.

    ✨ Good luck on writing the paper. Looking forwards to reading about what you have learned ✨


  • WEBs_in_space by WEBs_in_space

    NOW I know why I was not getting any clips! Well onto another Zoo project I guess, will check in later!

    Stay cool
