Worm Watch Lab Talk

not a worm

  • nooboo by nooboo

    i guess this is a misbehaving camera?


  • Quia by Quia moderator

    Yup, we're staring intently at the edge of a petri dish here. Sometimes when a worm wanders close to the edge, the camera gets confused and focuses on the edge instead of the worm.


  • WEBs_in_space by WEBs_in_space

    I found this AWS0001fgj to be identical, same video batch I would say. Can they be culled out?


  • aexbrown by aexbrown scientist

    We don't have an automatic way of retiring these, but there is a stricter threshold for retiring videos where everyone agrees there's nothing. That is, if the first 5 classifications are all 'no egg' the video will be retired. So right now, the fastest way to eliminate these is simply to not mark anything.


  • WEBs_in_space by WEBs_in_space

    Oh I don't think that will happen here.... seems like a lot of 'happy clickers' out there 😕
    But you will get my no-egg vote!

    Stay cool
