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NOW I know why I was not getting any clips! Well onto another Zoo project I guess, will check in...
✨ Good luck on writing the paper. Looking forwards to reading about what you have learned ✨
by JJBehr
Wow, I'm still able to classify and the counter keeps running up! 74,020 from 74,016 .. 😄
by yshish
Celebration time! Can we get some victory fanfare over here? 😄 😄
by Quia
The plan will be to notify people. One place would be here, but I hear it's also possible to send...
by aexbrown
That's exciting. I'm looking forward to celebrating the milestone!
by aexbrown
It will (almost) certainly produce a paper eventually, but paper writing can be a long slog! 😃
by aexbrown
Oh, that sounds great! Can we get notified when the new data arrive? 😃
by yshish
The end is nigh. 😃
Closing in on 500 videos left.
by Quia
Thanks for the great update, Andre! Would definitely love to see if any of this produces a paper or...
by DZM
Hah, what a shame there are no videos yet, after 3 years 😄
by yshish
There is a new blog post here : [Initial results : New egg-laying mutants...
by ElisabethB
Have to admit, I'm not sure real sticky food.
by Johnhomes
This is copied from the discussion on black screens on the Interface Help board
In terms of...
by aexbrown
At the rate it is going this project will soon be finished. I hope it will yield some useful or at...
by 2ndgm
There might be a few males that have snuck in, but that looks like a hermaphrodite to me.
by aexbrown
Hm, I thought they were all hermaphrodites, but I guess some are fully male. The more you know!
by DZM
Well if it indeed is a male, why would you expect eggs??
Stay cool
We only expect to see eggs laid every 30-50 videos. I think this guy is just doing his thing. 😃
by DZM
No eggs, he is tripping!
Hi @JCaria
All the videos have been classified already! 😃 We're currently waiting for a new data...
by yshish
The worm videos have not been loading for two days now so I can't watch any! any ideas when this...
by JCaria
Would be a good idea for a rebuild, yes!
by DZM
Can they make holding the Z key down as inoperative except for the count of one. Repress for two.
by rlb66
Yes, holding the Z makes a really huge long number if pressed for 15 seconds (and even for much...
by yshish
Hm... no, I think it's the exact laying action that you need to mark. Although if they lay the egg...
by DZM
When I hit "Start" sometimes it says I counted one egg before video starts ( I did not).
It rlb66
the egg at bottom center was already there.
by Liftoff-1
does seeing the eggs inside the worm count even though they aren't laid?
by Liftoff-1
AWS0000t5o @bowe cannot even count what is there.... 13 eggs?
Eggs! (1 subject)
2 eggs
by cspivak
Slow moving/intermittant light source? (1 subject)
by plmodel
Egg Present (4 subjects)
Many eggs present.
by jdean1
Egg Candidates #2 (5 subjects)
by Mizaru
Zippo (5 subjects)
by Mizaru
Tiny Racecars (5 subjects)
Hmm, it is not possible to use boolean logic to add #speedy OR #fast to the group. Only AND
by geckzilla
Tiny Worms (4 subjects)
by jules
Tiny Worms (4 subjects)
Image AWS0001gqg also if you want to find it.
by Matty-Gee
by scourge128
No, I think the red dot just auto-detects the midsection so it may move a little bit.
by pizzacircus
How do I detect when the worm has laid a new egg? Is it when the red dot moves from the mid-section to another part of the worm's body?
by JanB1
This voideo is all a blur
by willOS
No worm
by Bryer
This seems wrong, there is no worm.
by lszatmary
this worm is on a mission!
by jimfromToronto
Noooo.... The worm, I mean New Horizon, was just sweeping past Pluto. Tiny moon, Charon is off to the right. 😃
by WEBs_in_space
by yshish
The existing #clutch apparently wasn't big enough for her! Good luck counting the new ones. 😃
by Quia
Suddenly, eggs! One #egg followed by a #clutch of three
by Quia
3 eggs?
by Liftoff-1